Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides)
The  largest member  of the sunfish family averages 8-17 inches long and has been  known to  reach  weights in  excess of 10  pounds.  Compared to other members  of the sunfish family, the largemouth and smallmouth bass are  elongate, robust  fish. As  the  name  implies,  the  largemouth  has  a larger  mouth  than  the  smallmouth,  with the  end of  the jaw  below and beyond  the rear  margin  of  the  eye.  The  body  of  the  largemouth  is greenish  in color with a pronounced black stripe running horizontal along its  midside.

Largemouth  bass  are found throughout  New York.  They  inhabit  dense aquatic  vegetation,  or lie  close to submerged cover such as stumps, logs, dock pilings, etc. They prefer warm, shallow, weedy portions of lakes and sluggish rivers and streams.  These weedy areas  provide both protection and  food supplies  in the form of forage fish. Water areas of 20 feet or less  in  depth  are  optimum.

The  New York State  record  largemouth  bass  was  caught in  Buckhorn Lake in  1987.  It weighed  in at  11lbs.  04 oz. Any  largemouth  weighing in  over 3  pounds is considered a  good  catch;  those  over 5 pounds  are trophies. Largemouth  bass  eat primarily fish,  but also  crayfish,  frogs, snakes,  and occasionally  small mammals  such as mice. These  fish readily take  natural  and  artificial  baits  and  are good fighters  when  hooked, making  them one  of New York’s  most popular  game fish.  Bass are  also good  to  eat.

The Largemouth  spawns  when  water temperatures  reach approximately 70  degrees Fahrenheit  in  late May to early  June in  New York.  Males build  nests 2-3 feet in diameter by  sweeping  the bottom. The nests are usually constructed in 1 to 4 feet of water. Males entice females into the nest by circling  and nipping them. The eggs normally hatch in 3 to 5 days depending  upon temperature. The male will  guard the eggs and the young until they are approximately 0.75 inch long and the  school of fry breaks up; after that they are considered food. Largemouths achieve maturity at age  5,  and  can  live  as  long  as  15  years.

The  largemouth  bass  naturally inhabits  the  warm,  weedy  portions  of lakes,  ponds,  and streams. They  will flourish  in all but the very coldest farm ponds. They  do well in shallower ponds that are fed by run-off and small springs.  Ponds  that  are  1/4  acre   and  larger  are  suitable  for largemouth  bass. 
A pond must be well stocked 
with minnows and crayfish
before largemouth bass
fingerlings are introduced.

We  recommend  a  stocking  rate  of 100  fingerlings  per  surface  acre. Yellow perch  can be  successfully stocked  with  largemouth  bass. After they  reach  spawning  age,  the  young  perch  produced  will provide  an excellent food supply for your bass.  Their addition will also add variety to your pond.  Bluegills and  pumpkinseeds are  often stocked  with  bass. Stocking  of these fish requires careful consideration as they can quickly overpopulate  a  farm  pond.

Finger Lakes Aquaculture 7627 County Rd. 36 
Naples, NY 14512 
(585) 374-2974 
Phil Faber - Owner 

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